
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

BlimpBillboard Photos & Videos

I take photos and videos every time we have blimp events.
Blimp is such a beautiful object to be captured using cameras & video camcorders. It looks absolutely gorgeous.

I tried to implement different camera angles and skills to bring out the beauty of the blimp so that it will not look the same in every photos and videos.

Here are some photos taken by me during the events.

I have also uploaded some of the videos into YouTube to create traffics to our website.

BlimpBillboard Photos >>
BlimpBillboard Videos >>

BlimpBillboard Website

After the logo, website has been created.
This is the approved website layout.

My idea is to make this website different from others.
As blimp is a very unique marketing tool, I decided not to stick on to the corporate design and come out with some thing extra ordinary that every visitors will remember.

Flash intro page was inserted into the website to make it interesting.
My concept for the BlimpBillboard website intro page is that Blimp is a very powerful marketing tool. Customers who use our blimp as their advertising tool, their brand will be appearing as the Star of the Event.

I created an interactive game to make the website interesting and to let the visitors understand more about the product.

Well, at least this is what I have been learning for 4 years in my University time. I must make full use of my interactive skills.

BlimpBillboard Logo

I have been taking care of BlimpBillboard division for these years.
BlimpBillboad is a providing blimp renting services for events as a launching gimmick or as an advertising tool.

It was pretty new to Malaysia market when it first launch. I was asked to come out with a logo, a website and brochures to promote this amazing marketing tool.

This is the logo that I came out with about 3 years ago and we have been using this logo until now.

Due to some management decision, I have to come with some other new logo for BlimpBillboard. I came out with a few choices for my bosses to choose:

We ended up choosing this as our final logo.